Tips to Win a Wrongful Death ClaimTips to Win a Wrongful Death Claim

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Tips to Win a Wrongful Death Claim

After the loss of a loved one, our family had to take action quickly to protect our rights to sue for wrongful death. We tried to handle it alone, but we soon found ourselves looking for professional legal help. There were many twists and turns in the legal process that we had not expected. Even though the company was in the wrong, it was not until we got help that we were able to win. I started this blog to help other families who are going through similar situations. With this guide, hopefully no one else has to go through the experience our family suffered.


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Tips For Posting To Social Media After A Construction Site Injury

If you were harmed on a construction site where you were working, it's important to see a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Work-related accidents are among the most common types of incidents that lead to personal injury lawsuits each year, and construction sites can sometimes be full of potential dangers.

It's not uncommon for people to get injured on construction sites, but that doesn't make it okay, and you should be properly compensated for your injury. Here are some tips for posting on social media after the incident to best protect your own interests.

Tip #1: Refrain from Making Any Posts About the Accident

You may be tempted to post about the accident on social media, but it is better to avoid doing so. You don't want to jeopardize your personal injury case or make any accusations that may later be challenged. It's best to refrain from posting about the injuries altogether, although you also don't want to pretend that everything is okay. After staying off social media for a few days around the incident, you may opt to let people know that you were injured without sharing details on how it happened.

Tip #2: Don't Respond to Posts of Concerns on Social Media

After an accident, you may not want to write anything about it online. However, people who know you in real life may mean well by posting on your wall and asking for information about it. Other people may simply ask how you are doing. Don't try to be reassuring and reply to them with an oversimplification of the complex pain you may be feeling. If you state that you are fine and on your feet, that may be used against you if you later claim that you had difficulty with simple tasks. Instead, return messages of concern by calling or emailing with the person.

Tip #3: Try to Steer Clear of Posting Pics That Could Be Misinterpreted

If you are claiming that you have an injury that causes you to be in a wheelchair 90 percent of the time, posting a photo of you dancing at a wedding can be misinterpreted. While you may have only been able to stand for two minutes, someone may try to twist that to make it seem like you are exaggerating your injuries. Sometimes things can get twisted quickly online, so err on the side of caution when it comes to the photographs you share.

Finally, keep in mind that you can consult your personal injury attorney for additional info on whether it is okay to share certain data online. Construction injury law should be on your side and protect you after an injury. Be sure to not compromise your chances of being properly compensated by sharing too much (or wrong) information online.