3 Ways an Estate Lawyer Can Help With Trusts
Establishing trusts are often done to protect family members financially. If you were to pass on, a trust is essentially an account with money that can help fund different things. You'll want to hire an estate lawyer when putting one together because they can help with a couple of things.
Figure Out Purpose Behind a Trust
Trusts have specific purposes for surviving family members and you need to know what your reason is for creating one. Then you'll have a clearer path on how it needs to be set up and managed after you pass on.
Talk to an estate lawyer when discussing these reasons. They'll help you analyze your family's financial situation and financial needs. Maybe this trust would benefit a family member going to college or help pay for living expenses once someone moves out. An estate lawyer will go over each reason carefully so that you do right by your family.
Keep Trust Protected
Once a trust is established and a trustee is selected, this account needs to be protected. You may have a lot of money in it and don't want it going to waste. An estate lawyer can see to it that your trust is managed carefully, even if you pass on and the trust comes into play. They'll make sure the right person ends up with the trust account and they'll put in place protections. For instance, there may be a spending limit to keep a family member from draining the trust completely. These protections are instrumental in a trust working as you want it to.
Help You Fund the Trust
While you're still alive, you may need to transfer money to this trust. Doing this regularly ensures the account grows and then the trustee will be well taken care of throughout their lifetime. Any time you transfer money, it's a good idea to have an estate lawyer oversee this transfer process. They'll make sure the funds end up in the right account and provide notifications if there is an issue. Having their assistance can help you feel more comfortable when putting a lot of money into this trust account over the years.
Trusts play such a key financial role for family members after a death in a family. If you want to establish one and run into very few to no complications along the way, hire an estate lawyer that has your interests in mind throughout every stage.