Tips to Win a Wrongful Death ClaimTips to Win a Wrongful Death Claim

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Tips to Win a Wrongful Death Claim

After the loss of a loved one, our family had to take action quickly to protect our rights to sue for wrongful death. We tried to handle it alone, but we soon found ourselves looking for professional legal help. There were many twists and turns in the legal process that we had not expected. Even though the company was in the wrong, it was not until we got help that we were able to win. I started this blog to help other families who are going through similar situations. With this guide, hopefully no one else has to go through the experience our family suffered.


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Everything You Need To Know About A Living Will

As you get older, you might be thinking of putting your affairs in order with the use of a will. A will states what you would like done with your estate in the event of your passing. However, there is another type of will you should consider as you get older, which is a living will. With the help of a probate lawyer, you can establish a living will that best accommodates you.

What Is a Living Will?

A living will is different than a will. With a living will in place, you are protected if you are unable to make decisions about your medical care. For instance, if you were to develop Alzheimer's or dementia, you would be unable to make sound medical decisions pertaining to your care. Keep in mind that more than 6 million people in the U.S. suffer from Alzheimer's and that number is expected to keep rising.

You can specify in your living will what medical care you would prefer. For instance, you can state that you would like to be placed in a specific home or you would prefer to have in-home care rather than being placed in a care facility. A probate lawyer can assist you in crossing all your T's and dotting all your I's to ensure your living will covers all your medical care wants and needs.

Assigning Someone to Carry Out Your Living Will

Your probate attorney will discuss who you wish to assign to oversee your living will. Your probate lawyer will discuss an advance directive with you, which is a living will that appoints someone to make medical decisions for you once you are unable to do so for yourself. The person appointed is often referred to as an agent or healthcare proxy. Make sure the person you choose is someone you can trust, such as a:

  • Spouse
  • Close family member
  • Trusted friend
  • Attorney

Your probate attorney can be assigned as your agent if you have trouble choosing someone you know.

Is a DNR Necessary?

A DNR, or Do Not Resuscitate is an order that states that you do not want to be resuscitated in the event of your death. It should not be confused with a living will. Although you can choose to have both a living will and a DNR, you do not have to have both. You can specify in your living will that you do not wish to be resuscitated in the event of your death.

Speak to a probate lawyer today to find out more about the benefits of having a living will.